Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday, October 9th

Update:  Our Junior Rangers field trip will either be on October 27th or 30th. The director recommended that we attend two classes at a time rather than the whole grade so that students get the most out of the experience.  In order to do this, we needed to push the date out by a couple of weeks, which is good for getting those permission forms signed and returned!  You should expect to see a permission form come home this Friday in your child's folder.

ME Collages:  We have been reading the first book in the Judy Moody series for read aloud this week.  Judy has to make a ME collage for a school project. Basically, Judy creates a large poster with photographs, pictures and words cut from magazines, and other special items that represent who she is.  Then she presents to the class.  This is essentially what each second grader will also do. Each week on Friday, beginning the week of October 27th, one student will have a poster to present to the class.  The poster is completed at home and should be brought into school before, or on the date it is due.  I will send home much more information about this project this Friday.  Have no fear, your child won't be expected to make the poster at the drop of a hat.  Each child will have at least two weeks notice before the poster is due.  You will know when it's your child's turn when you receive a letter in the yellow homework folder stating the due date.

Character Trait of the Month:  COURAGE

This month we are celebrating courage.  Again we will read many books that demonstrate courage and do some writing and art projects.  At the start of each month and new trait, we will do a brainstorm like the one in the picture to the left.  I continue to be amazed at how thoughtful and wise these children are at such a young age.  I enjoy hearing all that they have to say, and celebrating with them when someone demonstrates the things we've talked about.

Hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend despite the rain!

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