Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday, September 6th

I am excited for this blog to be up and running!  This is where I will write all of our upcoming news, reminders, and classroom events.  The other pages (Math, Language Arts, etc, ) will be updated with photos and information from our week's work as often as I take pictures.  Each of these pages may not be updated each week, but I will try to highlight at least one each week and share with you any new and exciting learning we've engaged in.  On this HOME page I will notify you when any one of those pages has been updated so you know to go and look there for something new.  Each time I update you will get an email with a link to the blog.  I hope this is useful and enjoyable for you this school year.  If you ever have any questions or feedback regarding the blog, please let me know.  You will see the most up to date version of our schedule at the bottom of this post.

Here are some important things for you to know about our classroom this year.

First, Picture Day for our class will be Tuesday, September 19th @ 12:50

Second, you will have many opportunities to come in and volunteer.  One weekly opportunity is something we call Guest Reader.  I invite each of you to come in on Wednesday afternoon from 1:15-1:50 to read to our class.  If you choose to be a guest reader it is your responsibility to find books to bring to read.  Often parents share books that were favorites when they were little, or favorites of their second grader.  Since the time frame is about 30 minutes, this is usually enough time for 2-4 picture books depending on their lengths.  I would also welcome anyone who wants to start a chapter book to come in on consecutive (or near consecutive Wednesdays) to read.  If you sign up to be a guest reader around any holidays, we welcome holiday themed books as well. Once I know who our room parent(s) will be, I will meet with those individuals and ask them to establish a sign-up, usually in the form of Sign-Up Genius or something similar.  You will be able to see available dates, enter your name on specific dates, and also enter in the books you plan to read or a TBA if necessary.  Since the PTO is trying a new way of recruiting volunteers and room parents this year, I'm not sure when I will know of people's interests.  If you already know you are interested, please send me an email and that way I'll have a heads-up and we could even start to plan for our guest reading slots ahead of the PTO's schedule.  

Thirdly, in case you didn't see my email this past weekend, we are a PEANUT/TREE NUT FREE room this year.  When packing snacks, lunches, and preparing birthday snacks, please keep this in mind.  If you are unable to find granola bars or snacks that have been processed in a factory without this contamination possibility, it is okay to send it in with your child.  We'll be aware that this situation may be possible and we will be extra alert.  Thanks for your flexibility with this.

Lastly, I will be updating the HOMEWORK section of the blog in the next few days.  Please take a look for more details regarding homework (i.e, expectations, goals of homework, and my philosophy.)

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