Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Monday, March 12th

 What a lovely day we had on our tracking adventure at Marsh Billings Farm!

The weather was just perfect for us to venture in small groups to the stream, the forest, and the field looking for domestic and wild animal tracks.  The children saw what we believed to be bobcat, fox, squirrel, deer, turkey, and dog tracks in the three different habitats.  After returning to the Forest Center building, the groups worked together to draw tracking stories that tried to explain who was there and what might have happened. Please see the Science page for more photographs of the different tracks and the children working in their groups.

Parent Conferences
I sent a VolunteerSpot sign up invitation a little over a week ago.  Please take a look and sign up for a time to meet if you haven't already done so.  With the snow day today, I will need to reschedule several conferences.  Please check your email for details on how this will work.

Math Night
Wednesday, March 14th beginning at 6pm.  Please join many Ray School teachers and staff for a fun and engaging night of math!

Make a Plate
Tuesday, March 20th @ 2:45 directly after school.  I believe this is taking place in the multi.  If you haven't signed your child up to participate and you would still like to, please send in the form and a check by next Monday, March 19th.

Passport to Winter Fun
If your child is participating in this, please make sure they claim their prizes for the time they've earned being active.  Have them see Ms. Brauch with any questions.

Science Night at the Montshire
The Montshire Museum has extended an invitation to all Ray School families to attend a fun evening together on Thursday, March 22nd.  Our school and staff have entered in a partnership with the Montshire as we dive into the NGSS (Science Standards) and begin to give our Science curriculum at Ray a makeover!

Colonial Days - IMPORTANT for your CALENDARS!
Our colonial day is scheduled for Thursday, June 7th.  This is an occasion where many parents take the whole day off to volunteer, or just spend the time with the class as we experience life as colonists down at our Colonial House on the school's campus.  A week or so before April vacation I will be sending home LOTS of important information regarding Colonial Day and the weeks leading up to it, which are full of volunteering opportunities.  The more helping hands we can get, the better!

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Friday, April 6th Colonial Day projects are fast approaching!  The children are full of questions around colonial day as they see us prepa...